React is javascript library for building user interfaces. I was interested to know about magic behind the react. Rodrigo pombo have done a great work on his article build your on react. I tried creating a react clone with the help of this blog. I highly recommend to go through his article for deeper understanding. This blog will be a comprehensive notes.
At first I thought I was writing html inside javascript. What I was actually writing was jsx.
JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension and occasionally referred as JavaScript XML) is a React extension to the JavaScript language syntax which provides a way to structure component rendering using syntax familiar to many developers. It is similar in appearance to HTML.
Tools like babel convert this to javascript. Try yourself, it’s fun.
const App = () => {
return (
<div className='container'>
<h1> hello </h1>
<p> world </p>
// converted to
const App = () => {
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "container"},
/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("h1", null, " hello "),
/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("p", null, " world ")
Other basic building block are
- document.createElement for creating a new html element
- doucment.createTextNode for creating a text node
- node.appendChild for appending a new child to node
Getting started
There two primary tools required React.createElement
and render
for getting started we only need few details.
- what is the type of element
- what are the properties
- children of this element
// a, b are just other elements
"type": "div",
"props": {
"id": "container",
"children": [a, b]
for simplicity for our code there is also createTextElement
. It’s type will
Render: Level 1. Adding elements to DOM
We have element created by createElement
. We can call document.createElement
to create element, then add it’s properties, and recurse it’s children add do the
same. Append the children to it’s parent using node.appendChild
we will call createTextNode
Know we can see our jsx on screen by now. Hurray!
Concurrent Mode
Our level 1 render has some issue. Let’s upgrade
Render: Level 2
There is issue with recursion. Recursion will only stop when we build all the elements. This can be a blocking operation If it takes lot of time. The browser can’t do anything at that time, as a result UI become laggy.
Solution is to break the problem into smaller task, after completing each task we will give controll back to the browser. After browser complete it’s operation we can continue building again.
We will be using requestIdleCallback, react isn’t using this, but using something with similar concept.
We need a new data structure called fiber, but why? I’m still skeptic here, according to original article it’s for easier navigation.
- build a element
- create fiber for element’s children
- select the next unit of work
coming back to navigation, It is like dfs, we go deeper. Each fiber will have links to it’s parent and siblings.
Render and commit
There is a issue if we give back control to the browser, user might see partial rendered UI. So we can only change the dom element at the end.
we will keep wipRoot
which is the root of fiber tree. After completly
building fiber tree, we start changing the dom nodes. This is a unit of work,
so we won’t give back control to the browser while building nodes.
As seen earlier, we are creating each element every time and adding that to browser. We don’t need to do this all the time, if we can update and delete necessary elements.
I already had post regarding Reconciliation, which is the algorithm used by react to find difference between two trees.
we need reference to last build fiber tree, which is referenced using currentRoot
we will also keep alternate
property to all fiber, which is the reference to
old fiber we rendered.
we just compare alternate (oldfiber) with new fiber and make decision.
- if type is same, we will update the property
- if type are different we will create new fiber
- if type are different we will remove old fiber
we will add new propery effectTag
which indicate whether to update, delete, create