
Singletons are classes which can be instantiated once, and can be accessed globally. This single instance can be shared throughout our application, which makes Singletons great for managing global state in an application.


I want to connect to a chat service once and use the instance of connection across components (React) instead of connecting every time.


class Connection {
    static _instance;

    constructor() {
        if (Connection._instance) {
            return Connection._instance;
        this._instance = this;
        this.client = new connectionCode({
            apiKey: APIKEY

    getConnection() {
        return this.client;

Code walkthrough


This _instance will be shared across all class. So once we create a class and we can assign that instance to _instance, if we are creating a new class we can check _instance to verify we have created a class before.

client is to store the connection.

static _instance

Neither static methods nor static properties can be called on instances of the class. Instead, they’re called on the class itself.

here we check if the class is constructed before, yes: return the previous instance. No: create a new instance and assign this instance to _instance

constructor() {
    if (Connection._instance) {
        return Connection._instance;
    this._instance = this;
    this.client = new connectionCode({
        apiKey: APIKEY

Method to access the connection.

getConnection() {
    return this.client;


const singletonConnection = Object.freeze(new Connection());
export default singletonConnection;